Part 121


Well-known member
APDL Beta Team
Sep 3, 2013
Moving to 121 Cargo, and no longer under part 117 (ugh) .. Is selecting Part 91 in APDL the only non 117 option.. could you add a standard 121 for later updates? Great Job with APDL..
I don't see anything beyond 117 in APDL. We have so much we want to do and I'm not sure adding support for other regs is best use of the time when this app is clearly targeted for airline scheduled ops. Where we can probably better suit you is the next major update to Logbook Pro. Don't ask for dates, I won't answer that question but it's in the works and that's as far as I'll go. As you're one of our top APDL testers rest assured I'll reach out to you when ready for private eyes on.
I’ll still keep APDL as I transition to Cargo operation and continue entry as either as part 91 or 117... would love to help anyway I can.. Thanks much.. maybe Cargo will go to 117 down the road..
Don't use 91, you won't get any alerts at all. At least with 117 it'll let you know that the fatigue you're feeling is recognized in other parts of the industry. It's fun seeing how many red alerts I can get in a one week trip!

As for 121, my personal feeling is that it wouldn't be that hard to incorporate into the app. Basically if you set 121 then it should just ignore all the rest and constitutive night alerts. It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to incorporate 24 hrs rest in 7 duty days as well as 8 hour flying limits (with support for intl ops).