Ready/Set/Feedback -- Thank you for PROMPT testing as I need to get this build to Apple tomorrow (Friday).
As you may have read in the Logbook Pro iOS Beta Forum there were a few "minor" issues reported so I decided to get 5.9.20 out to the field which Apple approved which adds iOS 9 BETA compatibility. Well - BAD DECISION.Logbook Pro is pulled from the App Store to stop the madness and I think I finally tracked down the issue. Before you install this sync up anything you have as one of three options may occur:
Most likely 1 or 2 will occur the reason being is the database vendor changed a setting on how dates are stored/retrieved from the database. If you have any problems DELETE and then REINSTALL this build. Without further boredom, please install this build and test FAST and THOROUGH as I will ask Apple tomorrow for an expedited review so we can go back on the air. I still have a few more tweaks to do tonight and may push another build to you so you can stay up to date. No new features (diedrich) - just bug fixes.
- All will work just dandy
- Your existing data will all have corrupt dates
- The build won't install at all
Please provide all feedback in the Logbook Pro iOS Beta Forum . If you do not see this forum at The Forums then you do not have access, email me at with your forum username and I'll grant you access.
Thank you! It's time to change my bandages so I'll leave it at that...