Error Message Importing Schedule to Dell AXIM X30


New member
Jun 8, 2005
Using the AA .csv web APDL I am getting this error message on my Dell Pocket PC.

I am running the latest Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition
Version 4.21.1088 (Build 14049)

Error message:

Unable to import file /MyDocuments/APDL/ScheduleImporter\WS-3983.xml
System.Xml.XmlException:Could not find resource assembly Could not find resource assembly

Here is the .csv cut and paste:

<COL style="WIDTH: 48pt" span=9 width=64>

<COL style="WIDTH: 48pt" span=9 width=64>


Most likely your Pocket PC does not have the required .NET Compact Framework as specified in Note 1 below the downloads on the APDL Portal. You can update your Pocket PC to include the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework (runtime engine) from this URL.

Hi Neal,

I reinstalled the .NET Compact Framework and no joy.

I am saving the XXX.xml file as instructed to the MyDocuments/APDL/ScheduleImport folder with a good sync. The same error message appears that it was unable to import file......

Any other possibilities?


Edited to spell your name correctly, I also tried to send theWS-24487.xml file but was unable due to site limitations.

The Pocket PC version of the Schedule Importer does not support the AA CSV, Lufthansa Cityline, or British Airways. These three filters are the only legacy 'Entire Month' filters in SI. An update to the filter list will reference (Palm Only) in the next update.

Fly Safe!

Paul Auman
APDL Development Team
NC Software, Inc.
OK, let me get this straight. Your product doesn't support Mainline American Airlines DECS and it doesn't support the .csv format.

Looking forward to when it does.........
The American Airlines DECS schedule was just updated with Meal codes. We were notified of this change earlier in the week. We are in the process of updating our filter.

The three legacy 'Entire Month' filters have always been palm only.

The updated case number for the DECS filter is #666. It will be in the next update.

Fly Safe!

Paul Auman
APDL Development Team
NC Software, Inc.
I just imported several sequences using the online APDL and looks like it is working with the Mainline Sequences!

Thanks for the fix.
I just spent over an hour trying to get a sequence to import. The "Auto (Recommended)" filter does not import my American/American Eagle (DECS) pairings. So, I selected American/American Eagle (Actual)(Updated 2/20/10). I got the above error each time, including trying to re-import schedules, etc. After reading this thread, attempting to re-install the .net framework, etc., I decided to try selecting the American/American Eagle (Sched)(Updated 2/20/10). That one worked for me.

I'm curious as to why the Auto filter doesn't work for AE trips?
I just spent over an hour trying to get a sequence to import. The "Auto (Recommended)" filter does not import my American/American Eagle (DECS) pairings. So, I selected American/American Eagle (Actual)(Updated 2/20/10). I got the above error each time, including trying to re-import schedules, etc. After reading this thread, attempting to re-install the .net framework, etc., I decided to try selecting the American/American Eagle (Sched)(Updated 2/20/10). That one worked for me.

I'm curious as to why the Auto filter doesn't work for AE trips?

Please submit a support ticket with the information outlined on the bottom of the Schedule Importer web site if you need assistance getting your trip data imported.