Feature request - additional alarms


Well-known member
APDL Beta Team
Sep 16, 2013
The app knows when our departure time is, when our show time is, and we’ve told it when our van time is. It seems to me that it’s a short step to the one more alarm we need, which is when to wake up. It would be cool if we could set a default delta number of minutes, so that the alarm always goes off 60 minutes or 90 minutes or whatever prior to van time.

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Wait, isn’t that what the Alert Prior field is for?

Last edited:
Wait, isn’t that what the Alert Prior field is for?


You could use it for that. I use it as a 30 minute heads up prior to van time. But maybe I’m weird — I set multiple alarms on multiple devices. I have some alarms set to wake me up, and others that mark various points along the countdown to van time.
If you are on Android, check out MacroDroid. I have a button that I created on my notification bar, that, when pressed, will start a timer. So when my alarm goes off, I tap that button and 30 minutes later my phone announces "It's x:xx AM/PM, you have 30 minutes remaining sir." It then does this again 10 minutes prior to van time. All of this is customizable of course. I uploaded my macro template - you can find it in the MacroDroid templates by searching for "X minutes remaining". (I've tried to get the timer to run when the alarm actually goes off so that I don't have to manually press a button but I haven't figured that out yet.) Oh, and I created another button that will cancel the macro if desired.
If you are on Android, check out MacroDroid. I have a button that I created on my notification bar, that, when pressed, will start a timer. So when my alarm goes off, I tap that button and 30 minutes later my phone announces "It's x:xx AM/PM, you have 30 minutes remaining sir." It then does this again 10 minutes prior to van time. All of this is customizable of course. I uploaded my macro template - you can find it in the MacroDroid templates by searching for "X minutes remaining". (I've tried to get the timer to run when the alarm actually goes off so that I don't have to manually press a button but I haven't figured that out yet.) Oh, and I created another button that will cancel the macro if desired.

Alas, I’m an Apple boy. Sounds cool, though!

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