I have just purchased the LogBook Pro software and have finished entering in all my flight times to date. I am trying to compare the LogBook Pro data to my paper Jepp logbook and have run into a problem. First, I am wondering if there is a way to have the Reports/Flight Log/Jeppesen Style/Jeppesen Style Flight Log display only show 14 rows just like my paper JeppesenProfessional Pilot Logbook. I obviously can't match up totals page for page if the rows and therefore number of flights completed are not the same. I have created my own template and adjusted it to 14 rows but I would rather just change the default Jepp View. My Second and more important question is how to insert a row into the Spreadsheet style logbook entry page. I have a flight which I managed to skip over in my data entry somewhere in the middle rows of the spreadsheet and I must now insert that flight between two existing data entrys.