International airports: Route Entry


New member
Nov 24, 2005
Washington DC
In my European Logbook, I used to enter the airport by its name rather than ICAO code (e.g. Paris instead of LFPB). I continued the same in the US.

Three quick questions:

Now, do I have to convert all these names into ICAO codes in my logbook, or does Route Brouser recognize New York JFK as KJFK?

For Europe, Africa, and Latin America, do I have to create a airport database?

Would European, African, and Latin American routes beein shown if their lat/long is entered (does Route Browser have allcontinent's maps)?


Hello CES,

You can enter anything you wish into the Route field. If you intend to use Route Browser or any other utility that would come out to read route data, the ICAO identifiers are your best choice. However, Logbook Pro does not (at this time) have an airfield database allowing you the flexibility to enter anything you wish into the route field.
Airport Names

The airport name in your logbook must match the airport code in the Route Browser database. The program does recognize U.S. airports by either their old or official ICAO name. So KOSH and OSH are the same.

You can create new airports in the airports database and give them your name or you can change the codes in the airports database to match your logbook entries. Information on changing airport entries or adding new entries (along with lat/long formatting) is provided in the online help. Only U.S. airports are provided with the product.
I fly international quite a bit and find it useful to use this website to add new airports that are not in the FlightCentral database.

Just change the airport code at the end of the URL to get what you need.

For the Lat/Long use this format:
23-09-07N and 109-43-16W

I hope this helps.
