Registration code needed.


Jan 10, 2003
I just updated my previous version of APDL Palm OS version 4 to the new version 6. Now I am getting a message when I try to run APDL that I need to enter some sort of a code to use the software and that my evaluation period has zero day left. What gives. I have been a registered user of APDL for the past 2 years and certainely feel like I should have been notified that Auman was bought out and that I would need to get a new registration code in order to update my logbook. Please send me a new registartion code so I can start using my logbook again. Also please let me know how I can get the new version to use my previous database. Needless to say the way you have handled this really sucks. Not sending out notice to anyone really stinks. I love the old APDL and relied on it daily at work and I sure hope you hev not done anything to screw it up. I am right in the middle of a 2 week long Europe trip and this really screws me up not having access to my logbook.

Thanks for any and all help

Rich Bucholtz
Hello Rich,

I certainly understand your grief, however, we did in fact e-mail everyone about the acquisition as well as sent free upgrade key codes to version 6 that purchased on or after June 1 2003. I looked up your purchase and you purchased APDL on 2/3/2004 and we sent your complimentary upgrade to your e-mail address. It may have been caught by spam, I'll resend your complimentary upgrade notice.

Naturally I cannot provide your key code on a public forum. It would have been more timely to submit a support ticket for a prompt response of your key code. Please check your e-mail for the information requested. I also suggest folks not perform updates to their software while in the middle of a trip to prevent any issues that may occur with any software upgrade.

We hope you enjoy APDL and the new version 6 suite.


Thanks very much for your help. I received the key code via e-mail as you said. I think you are correct in that I had NC Software listed as a sender of spam and your original e-mail must have been trashed. I appologize. You are also correct about updating software while on the road. That was a bad move on my part. Thasnks for bailing me out.

Cheers, Rich Bucholtz

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