Resolved 117.19 a.2 issues for every red eye flight.


New member
Aug 2, 2017
Good morning,
I've had an issue since one of the last updates where every sequence that I have a red eye scheduled, I get an alert about 117.19 a.2 being triggered. "Only 1 extension over 30 minutes is allowed after the last 30 hour rest period." I've had 30+ hour rest periods prior to each of these sequences and I have not taken any extensions. Is this a known issue?
We are aware of an issue with FDP extensions being incorrectly detected. I don’t have any information on what causes it to happen or when it will be resolved as of right now.
This issue is resolved and will be in our .40 (or later public beta) expected out end of week. If you want to try out our public beta builds you can find the info at the link below. We are nearing the next App Store release as well so as many testers as possible helps ensure a great public release when the time comes.
