Fellow aviators, for several days I have been trying to describe an issue with using data from a CSV file, to complete 2014 for my 1000 hr lookback. We never seemed to communicate clearly on the issue. Now I have taken the time to create some screenshots to illustrate, what I couldn't do with the written explanation. I hoping to do this correctly, so that my order shows correct with the pics,,,Here goes.
OK, first off is my Feb 8,2015 schedule from our CWA site.

This is what APDL.net showed after processing my Feb8,2015 Trip

OK, now I pasted my 2014 CSV data into the process window. This is a 4 leg day on the 5th of Jan 2014.
2014-01-05,WN1984, ,DAL,1705,LBB,1811,106 ,508,737-500,91072 COOPER SEAN
2014-01-05,WN255, ,LBB,1849,AUS,1946,57 ,508,737-500,91072 COOPER SEAN
2014-01-05,WN255, ,AUS,2036,DAL,2129,53 ,508,737-500,91072 COOPER SEAN
2014-01-05,WN255, ,DAL,2205,MAF,2311,106 ,508,737-500,91072 COOPER SEAN
Results after processing. I opened up all the trips to show all the processed windows.

As you can see, some of the trips that day are missing. apdl.net shows these trips as 1Day 1Leg
This is what my APDL screen looks like after this trip was imported:

You can see it only show 2 trips imported. Also, note the alert at the bottom; ref. trip 1984
OK, here is my schedule screen in APDL, after the Jan 5,2014 import. Note, trip 1984 imported correctly, even though the alert said it did not import. Also, not the 2 trips(255) that are amber.

Here you see trip 1984 DAL-LBB imported correctly, even though it was alerted. Now note the correct Duty and FDP times.
Here is my screen after tapping on the first 255 trip which is LBB-AUS. Not we have the I issue, also note the alert below. Most importantly, you see that APDL has created another Duty and FDP for that leg. Taking the actual Block in time, and subtracting 30 min; as this is our normal showtime out of domicile. In other words, APDL, thinks that the LBB-AUS leg is starting in LBB on the same day!

Here is what the alert screen looks like for this trip after tapping the 1 issue banner. Note the rest period.

Finally, here is Flight 255 DAL-MAF. Last leg of the day. Again, note the rest period. Also, note APDL has begun a new Duty and FGDP for this leg. Also, an hour was added as this is our standard checkin when in domicile. I'm domiciled in KDAL. Apdl thinks I'm beginning a new trip again starting in DAL, has adjusted the Duty and FDP accordingly.

Here is what the screen shows after tapping on the 1 issue button:

I hope this has shed some light on the issue I have been trying to resolve for my historical data. Perhaps if others are having issues as well; this may help the devs to find a solution.
Not exactly sure why the pics are showing up at the end of this posting. Most likely op error. Also, not sure why the screenshots were cut-off. They look fine in the attachment manager, and anything else I view them on. I believe there is still enough data showing in the pic to make the points clear though.
OK, first off is my Feb 8,2015 schedule from our CWA site.

This is what APDL.net showed after processing my Feb8,2015 Trip

OK, now I pasted my 2014 CSV data into the process window. This is a 4 leg day on the 5th of Jan 2014.
2014-01-05,WN1984, ,DAL,1705,LBB,1811,106 ,508,737-500,91072 COOPER SEAN
2014-01-05,WN255, ,LBB,1849,AUS,1946,57 ,508,737-500,91072 COOPER SEAN
2014-01-05,WN255, ,AUS,2036,DAL,2129,53 ,508,737-500,91072 COOPER SEAN
2014-01-05,WN255, ,DAL,2205,MAF,2311,106 ,508,737-500,91072 COOPER SEAN
Results after processing. I opened up all the trips to show all the processed windows.

As you can see, some of the trips that day are missing. apdl.net shows these trips as 1Day 1Leg
This is what my APDL screen looks like after this trip was imported:

You can see it only show 2 trips imported. Also, note the alert at the bottom; ref. trip 1984
OK, here is my schedule screen in APDL, after the Jan 5,2014 import. Note, trip 1984 imported correctly, even though the alert said it did not import. Also, not the 2 trips(255) that are amber.

Here you see trip 1984 DAL-LBB imported correctly, even though it was alerted. Now note the correct Duty and FDP times.
Here is my screen after tapping on the first 255 trip which is LBB-AUS. Not we have the I issue, also note the alert below. Most importantly, you see that APDL has created another Duty and FDP for that leg. Taking the actual Block in time, and subtracting 30 min; as this is our normal showtime out of domicile. In other words, APDL, thinks that the LBB-AUS leg is starting in LBB on the same day!

Here is what the alert screen looks like for this trip after tapping the 1 issue banner. Note the rest period.

Finally, here is Flight 255 DAL-MAF. Last leg of the day. Again, note the rest period. Also, note APDL has begun a new Duty and FGDP for this leg. Also, an hour was added as this is our standard checkin when in domicile. I'm domiciled in KDAL. Apdl thinks I'm beginning a new trip again starting in DAL, has adjusted the Duty and FDP accordingly.

Here is what the screen shows after tapping on the 1 issue button:

I hope this has shed some light on the issue I have been trying to resolve for my historical data. Perhaps if others are having issues as well; this may help the devs to find a solution.
Not exactly sure why the pics are showing up at the end of this posting. Most likely op error. Also, not sure why the screenshots were cut-off. They look fine in the attachment manager, and anything else I view them on. I believe there is still enough data showing in the pic to make the points clear though.