Attention APDL users:
We have a new public beta now available from this link for those interested in testing. Check out the new payroll calculator in the payroll and what-if areas. Let us know what you think.
We have a new public beta now available from this link for those interested in testing. Check out the new payroll calculator in the payroll and what-if areas. Let us know what you think.

TestFlight - Apple
Using TestFlight is a great way to help developers test beta versions of their apps.
What's New in this release:
New Features
• Payroll View - Expanded information to include estimated Net Pay, Retirement Contributions, and Taxes to Pay Period and YD Payroll summaries.
• Pay Estimator - Accessed by tapping 'Details, Taxes, Retirement, and What If' from the expanded payroll information section on the Payroll view.
• What If Pay Calculator - Accessed from the What If menu or the What If icon on Payroll Navigation Bar
Quality Improvements (Fixes)
• Missing Legality Detail Report resolved.
• Calendar and Schedule Views - Add Trip, Import Trip, Delete Trip actions update underlying view immediately.
• 'New Leg' action on Calendar and Schedule views does not pre-fill destination in Leg Editor. This is by design, pervious version filled in the domicile.
• 'Delete Leg' action reliably removes trip.
• Commute To/From's Dept, Dest, and Airline would show blank after searching for flights. This UI issue was resolved.
• Validated Augmented Operations Multi Crew FDP Limit and Cumulative Limits in Projected Mode.
• Improved calendar note linking for FlightAware flight tracking
• Fixed an issue with Schedule Importer settings for time zone and filter selection
• Viewing Settings > Notifications will prompt for notification permissions if the device was reset and notifications need to be reactivated
• Updated airport database for KLAS name change
Please let us know if you encounter any issues when running this version on iOS16 via Share Beta Feedback.