Change "by leg" data to "by day"

Abe Frohman

Active member
Apr 21, 2004
I always log my flights by leg using APDL and I sync them to LogbookPro by leg as well. For printing purposes, can I show flights by day?
Yes, you can certainly do that, however, if you modified any of your APDL data once sync'd into Logbook Pro (on the Logbook Pro side), the changes will be lost. Anytime APDL syncs to Logbook Pro it first removes APDL flights that were sync'd during the same date range so as not to duplicate sync'd information. Backup your Logbook Pro data file first (File..Archive..Backup).
Yes, you can certainly do that, however, if you modified any of your APDL data once sync'd into Logbook Pro (on the Logbook Pro side), the changes will be lost. Anytime APDL syncs to Logbook Pro it first removes APDL flights that were sync'd during the same date range so as not to duplicate sync'd information. Backup your Logbook Pro data file first (File..Archive..Backup).

Thanks! That worked perfect! I was't worried about changes because I make all changes on the handheld. Wow! Going from 'leg' to 'logpage' reduced the number of pages of my printed logbook by 75%! That was my ultimate goal...

Thanks again!