1) I am getting an error message. "Error! Please check your Standard Payrate, Aircraft Payrate, and Payroll Category settings Unable to calculate payrate".
I am a Captain at AE. I am paid a different pay for the 135, 140 & 145. The rates are 66.49, 69.60 & 72.27 respectively. I am lost on how to set this up and avoid the error message...
2) I have to sign in at 45 prior and am off duty 15 after. Is there a way to configure this, or do I always need to input it manually?
3) I have noticed my data always imports into LBP as EMB 145 even if I have designated the aircraft as an EMB 140. What am I doing wrong here?
1) I am getting an error message. "Error! Please check your Standard Payrate, Aircraft Payrate, and Payroll Category settings Unable to calculate payrate".
I am a Captain at AE. I am paid a different pay for the 135, 140 & 145. The rates are 66.49, 69.60 & 72.27 respectively. I am lost on how to set this up and avoid the error message...
2) I have to sign in at 45 prior and am off duty 15 after. Is there a way to configure this, or do I always need to input it manually?
3) I have noticed my data always imports into LBP as EMB 145 even if I have designated the aircraft as an EMB 140. What am I doing wrong here?