Hello CS,
Thank you for your inquiry. To answer your questions:
1) Logbook Pro doesn't track DAY and NIGHT, but only NIGHT so you can't have this error. Any time that is NOT NIGHT is assumed to be DAY. We try to minimize redundant data to prevent the opportunity for an error in the first place. For example, you'll see you do not enter ASEL, AMEL, Glider, etc. type of time in the Logbook area. Logbook Pro uses the power of your computer to take your Type and Duration to figure out the rest based off of your aircraft configuration information in the Options...Aircraft area.
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) We make a point of not discussing competing products, bashing, identifying strengths and weaknesses, etc. We simply provide the best support we can on our software, listen to our customers to provide features you need, and be as prompt as we can with your questions. We leave it up to you to determine the pro's and con's and how it compares to other products. I'm confident you will enjoy Logbook Pro and be happy with your transition.
Let me know if I can be of any further service.