IFR currency and custom logbook layout


New member
Jul 24, 2009

I accidentally deleted the IFR currency tool while trying to learn the currency tool. Is there any way to replace it? Under general currencies, it shows IFE Expired (unknown). Does this tool count holding for FAA currency?

I would also like to create a custom report that matches the number of lines in my logbook. My log las 10 lines per page, and all the LBP logs have more lines. I'm interested in doing this so I can easily check the LBP numbers against my logbook. Is there any way to do this?


Logbook Pro doesn't have IFR currencies setup by default. The fastest and easiest way to get back what you had would be to restore your previous backup file. This is assuming you have a relatively current one. If you don't have a current backup you will need to recreate your currency. Please see the following on how to do so

Logbook Pro on-line help click here

Logbook Pro Currency Editor help click here

In regards to matching Logbook Pro up to your log will require that you create a custom Split Jeppesen Report. The key will be to experiment with the row height in the report.

Logbook Pro Report Designer click here

Logbook Pro Video tutorials click here
see video 4100. The report designer starts around the 6 minute mark.

Let me know if I may be of any further assistance.


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I would also like to create a custom report that matches the number of lines in my logbook. My log las 10 lines per page, and all the LBP logs have more lines. I'm interested in doing this so I can easily check the LBP numbers against my logbook. Is there any way to do this?

The simplest way to do this is run the desired report, i.e. Reports..Flight Log..Split Reports..Jeppesen Style and then adjust the page setup (margins). You can set a top and bottom margin of 3 inches and as Logbook Pro has less room to show data a reduced number of lines will appear.

Warning: Do NOT adjust left/right margins
Warning: Setting a margin too high such as 15 instead of 1.5 (i.e a type) will result in an error occurring and we'll need to assist you in resetting the configuration. Be careful!