We just minutes ago discovered an issue that may be affecting you. There is some data we do not sync and we're going to have to and an example of this is the default positions such as CA-PF, CA-PM, etc. What I want you to do is go to Settings > Positions in the app and each of the top/default positions I want you to tap on each and change something, i.e. turn something ON to OFF. Then tap SYNC on the menu and then go back and set them to what they were and SYNC again. This will modify those defaults causing them to sync and then should fix your PIC time issue. We reference these positions in the exporter to determine PIC/SIC times, etc.
We are working on a better solution for all, this is new grounds for us in that we never considered sending some default settings to the cloud as the app has them by default but now that we are doing more cloud side we have discovered we need these values as well.
Thanks for your patience, this is all good findings and we'll get it fixed up.