iPAQ data entry and misc.


Active member
Sep 27, 2002
I have been using LP for over a year now with great results. Finaly I got 121 job and got iPAQ 2215. Here are few questions.

I use iPAQ also as my internet connection on the road. On your website the shortcut buttons are displayd but do not work. I got here by typing url above. I have no idea if this has to do with my setting on the PDA or anything else.

When entering legs I have overwritten my previously entered data by accident. Is there a way to see the legs entered in the table format. Also is there a way to cancel the entry - e.g. to not overwrite the fields. My PDA always returned to the same leg and NEW was not available.

Selecting GO-TO sometimes takes me to the first entry, not the one I'm working in.

Is there any quick way to see when you are timing out on 34/7 rule?

I believe that the data entry would be faster if I could pre-enter the data such as N number, shift, leg, flight number, city pairs and even times from the schedule and then just validate the information with possible corrections. I know it involves only few steps to enter the data but the out-in times are available when we are bussiest on the ground turnig the airplane around.

I have been entering flight number to the remarks, do you have any field available for this and displayed on the first GENERAL page?

Thanks for your time.

Hello Fairgame,

This web site is not optimized for PDA's

There is no table/spreadsheet view on the PDA

There is no record navigation performed in the go-to navigator, are you sure you're not just confusing the data entry screen? See if you can reproduce this issue and verify in fact it is moving. I'll review the code and try to duplicate the issue as well.

The PDA does not update the reports with data entered, it simply takes a snapshot of your PC data for you on the road. The best you can do is view the Lookback report on the PDA.

You could configure a Custom column on the PC, then when you sync the PDA the next time it will be available on the PDA.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for the reply. All items are clear. I just wanted to go back to GO-TO list of screens. After entering "out" and "in" times, I usually save the data and then use GO-TO to enter remarks for the open general page (shift#, flight #, crew names, airplane log page number). The displayed page is always first page rather than the one from where Iselect GO-TO Remarks button. I have to scroll to the entry I want to add the remark and it is easy to pick a wrong flight/entry.

For the wish list I would add an entry number in the PDA in the header (where the city pair and date is now) and leave the entries in the order entered. This way I know how I have entered them and they do not re-shuffle based on last entry or correction.

By the way I love to come home and synchronize and be done with the logbook.

dear sir
i have knowlege data conversion and data entery than i want to do this work but i dont know where i get this job pls give me some idea
thank you