missing time

Mar 27, 2006
I use APDL and after using the PDA Wizard I am still having problems. I have tried it a few times and with the same results. The wizard, or something, is excluding three consecutive months of my time. It is right the middle of quite a bit of data so I am not sure what is different about those three months. Any ideas?
Tigerpilot1995 said:
I use APDL and after using the PDA Wizard I am still having problems. I have tried it a few times and with the same results. The wizard, or something, is excluding three consecutive months of my time. It is right the middle of quite a bit of data so I am not sure what is different about those three months. Any ideas?
I am now getting this problem too, this happened after a reimport of the pda data. the months i can't import are 10/2005-12/2005. Using LBP 1.10.19 and Palm.

Any progress on this? Would it help to have my data also?
We found another bug related to date parsing. Please submit a support ticket and we'd appreciate your testing of the new build. It should be available this evening for a May 24th evening official release.

Thank you for your understanding.