

New member
Mar 10, 2006
hey, I did get my access code to work, but now, when launch logbook pro, and click on the "logbook" button(then of course, "spreadsheet style"), it tells me that I need to configure aircraft and wont let me out of that screen until I do. Here is the problem,,, I have all of my data saved on an external hard drive, and sometimes it asks if I want to use existing data, and sometimes, I get no prompt... If I don't get a prompt and I click on the "logbook" button, it goes to that "configure aircraft" thingie and the only way I can get out of it is to shutdown my computer. I know all of the data is there, and I have a ton of aircraft and hours already in there, but it wont let me get to the data. Any suggestions?

I suggest trying to copy your data file from your external drive to your local hard drive. Rename the file on the external drive from .LBK to .OLD. Start Logbook Pro, choose OPEN and select the file now on your local hard drive. Go to Options..Aircraft and confirm your data is listed properly.