OK Mark, bottom line on the MGOent logbook


Dec 20, 2001
I have the latest (1.8.5) lbp version. I've decided it's time to move it into a nice binder. In the past, I know there have been problems getting it to print correctly with the correct margins yadayadayada. What is the position on it now with the MGOent stuff? What idiosyncrasies can I expect or are all of the printing bugs worked out? Will any of the binders work or is one less trouble than another.

I appreciate your response and brief summary. I've weeded through the previous posts and am still confused about what will work and what special settings are needed.

Thanks again,
The problems in the past are printer specific issues. The best thing to do is try it out using your printer, see how the MGOent outputs work. You don't need to purchase a binder to print those reports! /forums/emoticons/smile.gif

I personally use, and really like, the full-sized binder. Any and all of the reports fit, you don't have to be limited to just the MGOent specific outputs. It's a very nice binder and you have a lot of flexibility.

Hope this helps, anyone else that owns one of these nice binders feel free to add your comments.

Neal Culiner
NC Software, Inc.
Thanks Neal, I appreciate it your quick response (as usual).

Sorry for calling you Mark in the subject line......I switched sites from flightinfo.com and forgot to engage the brain!

So if you use the full size binder, how the heck do you print a report to fit the binder? I have been messing with that for many hours, and no luck yet.