Anyone that uses the Old World Binder, feel free to answer with how many you were able to fill per binder. Premier users please respond as well to gauge load limits on the binders.
I am in the process of printing out and binding my logbook. I purchased both the Terra and Brown Old World Leather binders and 3 packs of the matching paper. I am very happy with the quality and craftsmanship of both!</o>
However, the rings are very small, 3/4", almost looks like 1/2".The only reasonI can think of why there wasn't larger rings installed, because there is plenty of room, is the faster need to buy another binder. That’s killer at close to a $100 a pop!</o>
I was able to fit 50 sheets or 100 pages in mine comfortably which is about 950 flights. Any more and it becomes difficult to flip through it and damaging for the first and last few pages. If you have 2165 flight logged I estimate you’ll need 3 binders and <st1:time Hour="15" Minute="57">3 to 4 packs of the associated paper (depending on how many times you or your printer goofs!). Oh, and don’t forget printer ink, that’s a lot of printing.</o>
Good Luck!</o>
Thanks for the reply to the inquiry. We now sell a new binder that has 1" rings and can hold full-sized paper. A full line of MGOent paper products will be out soon for the new binder as well.
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