Pilot Credentials .com report?


Apr 20, 2004
Would it be possible to add that as an available report?

Or is there an easy way for me to make that report myself?



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Would it be possible to add that as an available report?

Or is there an easy way for me to make that report myself?


Flight Hour data is used to match your experience to the minimum qualifications of various hiring air operators. Enter your flight hours for all aircraft types. Enter hours for Pilot in Command (PIC), Second in Command (SIC), Flight Instructor, Flight Hours at night, Flight Hours in the last 12 months, Flight Hours in the last 24 months, the number of landings, and the last time date flown. If you have a current type rating for an aircraft, check the Current Rating box. If you have flown military sorties for an aircraft, check the Sorties Flown box. You will then be prompted for the number of military sorties flown. This information is used to calculate sortie conversion factors for various air carriers. Do not apply a conversion factor to your flight hours for military sorties.

Pilot in Command hours for this purpose is defined as Captain/Aircraft Commander of record, not simply the sole manipulator of the controls. Instructor Time while included in your PIC total is broken out further on this form.