pocket pc not accessable

riot shields

New member
Apr 20, 2006
my problem is as follows..
i own logbook pro standard edition. i bought the pocket pc companion unlock code. i unlocked the pocket pc portion under the pda companions link at the top of logbook pro. but i can't figure out how to actually make the program work on my pocket pc. it seems as though the links are still unaccessable on logbook pro, such as the synch wizard.
when i try to run the program on my pocket pc it says..
"the data file is missing. accomplish the activesync configuration in teh PDA Wizard"
which is unaccessable!

what am i doing wrong?!

Hello Jesse,

Please see this article for assistance. The Sync wizard in Logbook Pro is for PC-to-PC sync, not PDA sync. Please refer to the documentation (Help...Contents in Logbook Pro) and review the PDA...Pocket PC topics. Also refer to our requirements listing to ensure the Pocket PC requirements are followed. Lastly, see our latest newsletter for details on a new version coming soon.