Printing my logbook at Fedex-Kinko's?


Oct 21, 2007
Greenville SC
Hello, a couple of years ago I was able to print my entire logbook at a kinkos office. The person helping me was knowledgeable of what to do. Not the case this time. I am trying to print from where I stopped last time to today. (like two years worth of flying). Does anyone know how I can export my e-logbook to be printed looking like a paper logbook but not from start to finish?
Awesome, also good to know is that if you don't run the entire data first, you will not get a total count of your hours. I run the entire data, exported as a PDF and then sent it in an email to Kinkos. It worked wonderfully. Thank you.
Sorry to hijack, but does anyone know how to get it to print in hh:mm? I am exporting APDL to a tab or csv file and then importing it to Logbook Pro. I don’t see any option to change it to hh:mm. I’m only getting it in minutes.
Ok. It uses tenths, but that still doesn’t change that in the final export to Logbook Pro. APDL seems to export in minutes and then if I use the import wizard for Logbook Pro and choose hours and tenths, all it does is add a decimal to the minutes; As in 120 minutes of flying changes to 120.0 and not 2.0. I just purchased Logbook Pro so I could print for an interview next week. Unfortunately that doesn’t leave me much time to sit down and “figure it out.” I guess I thought that APDL to Logbook Pro would be more seamless than it is.
I just had the chance to watch some of the help videos for APDL and Logbook Pro. I saw in the Import Wizard video that the Import Wizard is supposed to automatically convert the times to hours and decimal minutes. Mine is not doing that. Thankfully the print shop notified me that I was showing 88,000 hours of TT before printing the order.

Any thoughts on why this is not converting?
Yes. I have tried all three formats on separate imports and it’s each one still results in the same minutes format in Logbook Pro. Any idea if it could be related to Windows 7?