I'm having problems with getting my logbook back up and running after resinstalling the software. It asked me to open an exisiting record and I pointed to my A: drive were I backed it up. However, its looking for file type .LBK. When I backed it up, it only saved file of type .BAK.
Now what? You said the BAK was ok, and Im curious why it won't import my old logbook.
Please get back to me, and thanks for you know what.
I'm having problems with getting my logbook back up and running after resinstalling the software. It asked me to open an exisiting record and I pointed to my A: drive were I backed it up. However, its looking for file type .LBK. When I backed it up, it only saved file of type .BAK.
Now what? You said the BAK was ok, and Im curious why it won't import my old logbook.
Please get back to me, and thanks for you know what.