Working to import into APDL.. For the month of June, all imported correctly, except 2 trips.. trying to get it to load for the 21st, but it is loading on the 22nd.. Thoughts?
ok.,. messing around.. looks like if I have APDL settings "Display and Enter times" in UTC, it will show on the calendar as the next day.. If I "Display and Enter local", it will show on the correct day..
Jun 21
Block: 3:10Pay: 3:10Pop Out Details
Days: 1Away: 5:05
The time zone should be what your trip data is in, if wrong these problems can occur. Settings > Schedule Importer in the app or set appropriately if using or other methods.
importing Skedflex into APDL with importer.. When I copy paste, it shows trip 804 vs S6001.. obviously I can edit trip number before importing.. Am I copying and pasting correctly.. is the edit of trip number just a function flaw with the process?
S6001-CA Jul 1 1 0530 0630 1015 1030 5:00 3:00
Block: 3:00Pay: 3:00Pop Out Details
Days: 1Away: 5:00
Name Tail Eqp Date Dep Arv DepT ArvT LO BTM ACM DTM
804 73G Jul 1 STS RDM 0630 0800 0:45 1:30 1:30 0:00
805 73G Jul 1 RDM STS 0845 1015 N/A 1:30 3:00 5:00
Show: 07/01 0530 Release: 07/01 1030
Help desk is a separate and different system, you'll need to open a ticket to the schedule importer department, provide trips, etc. if unable to sort things out which we typically suggest using first to review what is being processed, etc.
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