How can I sort or filter datato determine Cross Countryayual/PIC/SIC and Night: Dual/PIC/SIC. Or better yet create a report to fill out this form: in advance!
Please investigate the 'Analyzer' in Logbook Pro for advanced filtering and data analysis. There are also several reports that provide summary data that may be useful for your needs.
First thank you for your quick reply! I have reviewed the Help files for the Analyzer, but can't seem to figure out how to 'double' filter the info.
For example when using the analyzer I set Master Filter: Cross Country and look at the grand totals for Dual, PIC, and SIC, but I can't seem to find out how to further filter the Cross Country time to Night (i.e. all data that is Cross country AND Night) and then look at the Dual, PIC, SIC. This further filtering that I need is not a function of aircraft type or characteristics, or date which is all that is available to filter after the master filter has been set.
As for the reports this 'multiple column' filtering does not seem possible either, because all options deal with Characteristics and/or dates.
I'm sure this is all very confusing but if you reference the Application for Flight crew Permit ( ) page 2, you will see my need for the break down of Cross Country time into both Night and Day to determine Dual, PIC, SIC
The best thing is to use the Analyzer and other resources and see if you can get what you're looking for. You may have to make several passes, i.e. run a master filter of Cross-Country and extract night, etc. It's hard to develop a filter system to meet everyone's needs, the Analyzer is very powerful once you get the hang of it.
On another note, I am just amazed at companies with applications such as this. Without Logbook Pro, i.e. traditional paper logbooks, how would anyone ever figure out these totals? Keep in mind as well that you can sort columns in the Spreadsheet Style area by clicking the desired column header. For example, if you click the Cross-Country column header, it will 'lump' all of the cross country flight together which you could then select (range of rows SHIFT+CLICK) and export to Excel if you needed to.
I have spent the better part of the afternoon and evening trying to do so and turn to this forum as a last resort. Yes the product is amazing and is why I bought it after using Flight Level for years. I know this isn't the right forum but to add to the wish list I would like to see a Transport Cananda Flight Crew Permit Application Report similar to the Report>Miscelaneous>FAA Form 8710 Part III. Any one applying for a licence in Canada fills out this form and Flight Time grid.
Withthe 8710 Reportin mind how does the program create Night Take-Off/Landing PIC box Report? This is the type of "double filter" (Night AND PIC or Night AND Take-Off/Landing or PICAND Take-Off/Landing)I am looking for.
Thank you very much for all you very prompt replies and help finding the solution! Export to Excel worked. I exported all xc data, sorted the table by the night column, delted all data below the last night entry, added a total Row and found the XC:Nightual/PIC/SIC. Also by manualy subtracting the Night Totals from Grand Totals I can find the day totals.
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