Unrecognized ICAO 4 letter codes

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Mar 28, 2009
Ok, I was a little frustrated after purchasing the Route Browser and I posted a poor review of it which I note you have not posted on the web site (I sympathize as it is the 1st review you've had it seems).
However, my issue remains and perhaps you can answer it here.

There are so many European airports missing from the database, I am not sure I can be bothered to define the Lat/Longs for them all manually.

Can you not update the RouteBrowser database so that it has all airports with a 4-letter ICAO code worldwide?

I am not asking for airports that do not have an ICAO 4-letter designation. Surely all ICAO designated airports are published by ICAO together with their names and Lat/Long.

Please fix else I feel like I've wasted my money.

A very HAPPY user of LogBookPro incidentally.
Dear Neal,

As you now own it and since I trust you because of my very positive experience of the support and on-going development of your main product LogBookPro, I have confidence that you will fix it.
It may not be the top of your priority list of fixes but I hope you'll get round to it soon.
Best regards
Route Browser

Dear Neal,
I realise that Route Browser is not high on your priority list but I wondered if you are ever likely to update it.
I wrote in October 2014 asking if you could update the RouteBrowser database so that it has all airports with a 4-letter ICAO code worldwide.
I would have thought that all ICAO 4-letter airport codes together with their lat/long could be imported into the Route Browser database. Like the file I attach from Open data @ OurAirports
Perhaps things aren't as simple as one would like to think.
Anything you can or plan to do about it?
Kind regards


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