Aircraft Question


Jan 20, 2011
I just bought the year subscription because I used to love the Palm version of this program. I'm very impressed so far with the iOS version so far. One thing is bugging me though, I can't import all the aircraft that I have been flying on so adding aircraft seems to be the only way to do it. That's not a problem but I can't see where it list what type of aircraft it is. How does it know if multi-engine, type required, or single-engine? I'm guessing these are going to be needed when sync to the desktop comes out.

Is that going to be another monthly fee? Right now I'm paying for APDL and sync to desktop. These programs are getting pretty expensive on a monthly or yearly basis.
Is that going to be another monthly fee? Right now I'm paying for APDL and sync to desktop. These programs are getting pretty expensive on a monthly or yearly basis.
APDL on multiple devices is included. APDL Schedule Importer is included. And APDL to LBP desktop sync (coming soon) is included.