Answered Filter / Sort Logbook Spreadsheet Headers Problem


New member
Mar 22, 2022
I see there's already a bug when using the column headers to sort resulting in only flights up to the end of 2020 to show...however, lately when I do a sort I'm only getting one specific aircraft type to show. It wasn't doing this a few weeks ago.

This functionality has been useful as I am auditing years of logbook data.
There is a bug in the spreadsheet log filter system and when clicking column headers to force a sort. The filter system still works fine but you need to set explicit start and end dates and not use the preset date options. I suggest reset/clear the filter then retry.
On the far left of the filter toolbar choose custom dates, set a start date before your first flight, set the end date to the end of this year, click UPDATE on the right side of the toolbar. Make sure you're not filtering further by aircraft, etc.
My Logbook Pro does not sort properly by Route. It sorts the logbook entries (by what, I don't know), but Routes are all over the place, not alphabetical. What's going on here? I'm trying to look at all the entries where I departed a certain airfield.
My Logbook Pro does not sort properly by Route. It sorts the logbook entries (by what, I don't know), but Routes are all over the place, not alphabetical. What's going on here? I'm trying to look at all the entries where I departed a certain airfield.
I reproduced it, it does appear to be broken with the sort.