APDL export to Logbook Pro not in hh:mm


Mar 22, 2022
I’m attempting to print my APDL logbook. I see that I need to pick “minutes” when exporting the file to Tab or comma dileniated. That’s fine, but how do I then get the Logbook Pro report to print the times in hh:mm.

I just find it to be an odd process since my APDL appears to be in hh:mm when looking at the summary page in APDL.

Is this something that needs to be changed to hh:mm in the csv/excel file before importing to Logbook Pro?
I’m also attempting to print my logbook, but ALL the logged times are populating as MINUTES in the logbook instead of the current layout shown in my iPad/device which is HH:MM.

I have tried just about everything, but nothing works. whether in the APDL app, when I am exporting the database or selecting HH:MM (real time) or the Hour.Tenth (decimal) format in the LOGBOOK PRO app. I can't seem to be able to change the times on the logbook.

I also find it very odd process, since my APDL appears to be in hh:mm when looking at the summary page in APDL.

Please HELP!