APDL Update Problem


Well-known member
Jun 24, 2005
I just updated APDL with the new update. It wiped out ALL the previous data I had. Was this supposed to happen? Is there a way to get this data back to my ppc or am I out of luck? Thanks, Richard
Just to be clear, the data on my PPC was deleted!! I'm not sure what happened. During the update a window popped up with a list of stuff with check marks by several programs. I unchecked all but the update and realized that it was uninstalling other programs that I had on my PPC. I cancelled the installation and redid it with all the checkmarks checked. The programs were reinstalled on my PPC along with the APDL update. All the data was gone including A/P lists, A/C lists and all previous entries. It really doesn't matter if the previous entries were deleted since I am up to date on syncing to LBP but I would like to get back the A/C and A/P lists.
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Updating the program has no affect on the data. We store data in a private/separate place so it is disconnected from the program install/uninstall process. The only way you could have lost your data is if your pocket pc did a hard reset. I suggest viewing this link to try and restore your data.
Like I said I don't know how it happened, but it did. I didn't do a hard reset or any reset for that matter. Help me out here, Please.
In my airlinelogbook.com file I have 3 files the have the same thing in them
(1) 22575744 (366KB) (2) C182386 (596KB) (3) FFFFFFFF (0KB) Which one do I use and will this resotre the A/C ID's and Airports?
I am soo confused!~! I don't think i changed anything with active sync. Somehow after looking at the link you suggested I managed to get the previous flights back on the PPC. But, the A/C lists and A/P lists are still missing in action. I can see them in c: apdl/backup and have tried to copy and paste to My documents apdl folder and my mobile device's apdl folder with no luck although I think that is how the flights showed up. I really would like to talk to a real person on the phone to help with this problem< OKThanks
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In your "c:\program files\airlinelogbook.com" folder on your PC you have three folders "(1) 22575744 (366KB) (2) C182386 (596KB) (3) FFFFFFFF (0KB)".

Since "C182386" is larger in size, I would believe it is a more recent backup of your logbook data. You can also check the folder dates for the last time they were accessed.

1) From your PDA if APDL is running, click "Options" and "Exit" to end the program.

2) Using the "Explore" button on ActiveSync on your PC, navigate to your PDA's "My Documents\APDL" folder.

3) Copy the contents of "C:\program files\airlinelogbook.com\[8 digit pocket pc id]\apdl\backup" to your PDA's "My Documents\APDL" folder. In this case the folder would be ""C:\program files\airlinelogbook.com\C182386\apdl\backup"

4) Restart APDL, all data from the backup will be restored.

As to why your data was lost ? We store the data in the "My Documents" folder so it is not associated with the application. Removing an application will not remove the data. However, Loss of Backup Battery, Hard Reset, or Restore from a backup prior to APDL will remove the "My Documents\APDL" folder.

Running APDL SingleSync will create a backup to your c:\program files\airlinelogbook.com folder. Routine backups of this folders are recommend for long-term backups of your APDL data.
Ok. I did as you requested and it didn't work. I also did not do any of the above. I can see the data in the (2) C182386 folder. Is it normal to have three folders in the airlinelogbook.com" folder? Are you sure a phone call might expedite the solving of this problem?
Thanks, Richard

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Hello Richard,

It sounds like you experienced something abnormal on your device and may have experienced corruption. We have provided all the information we can to assist. The folders you are seeing are related to Pocket PC partnerships, which may be the cause of your issue, i.e. you are not keeping a consistent partnership with ActiveSync. I'm sorry but we do not offer phone support services at this time. You may have to re-enter your airport lists, etc. as you continue to use APDL.
OK! I thought you did support your support tickets occationally with a phone call to the customer, No? As to my question of the three files in airlinelogbook.com is it normal to have three files as I decsribed above??? Should I delete two of them? Tell me you are not giving up!!!!!! <OVER>
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If there is a critical issue in which we are unable to convey a remedy to "our" satisfaction, we will gladly contact the customer. However, in your situation, there is nothing a phone call will add to the remedy. The additional folders, as mentioned in prior correspondence, is a result of various partnerships in ActiveSync (each has a unique 8 digit ID). This is not normal and may be related to your problem, i.e. for some reason a partnership was deleted and recreated and ActiveSync made a change. I don't know how long your history is with Pocket PC and ActiveSync and APDL, however, if it's quite a bit of time, with the nature of so much change in the Pocket PC platform (not APDL) and ActiveSync versions, it would not be unusual. The Palm OS is clearly more stable, however, I think we have finally, with Windows Mobile 5, reached a much more stable platform and I'm confident in the future of the Pocket PC now. I am very much looking forward to expanding the Pocket PC line of software now that we have reached this stage, more to follow...
NC Software said:

If there is a critical issue in which we are unable to convey a remedy to "our" satisfaction, we will gladly contact the customer. However, in your situation, there is nothing a phone call will add to the remedy. The additional folders, as mentioned in prior correspondence, is a result of various partnerships in ActiveSync (each has a unique 8 digit ID). This is not normal and may be related to your problem, i.e. for some reason a partnership was deleted and recreated and ActiveSync made a change. I don't know how long your history is with Pocket PC and ActiveSync and APDL, however, if it's quite a bit of time, with the nature of so much change in the Pocket PC platform (not APDL) and ActiveSync versions, it would not be unusual. The Palm OS is clearly more stable, however, I think we have finally, with Windows Mobile 5, reached a much more stable platform and I'm confident in the future of the Pocket PC now. I am very much looking forward to expanding the Pocket PC line of software now that we have reached this stage, more to follow...

Neil, I have been scouring these thread for some kind of explaination on my systemformatexception error. I have a ticket in which I have not heard from anyone for 3 days now. This thread is similar to a problem I am having now with WM5 and APDL PPC. It seems like there is still a bug somewhere in the software. The error above seems to be related to corrupted data. After removing the data file from the PPC the software runs without problem. I did have a partnership issue with active sync before I ran APDL. I am curious, how does active sync interact with APDL data and how can this corrupt the data. I would appreciate some assistance with my open support ticket. Thanks,

J and all,

We are in the process of completing the relocation of our network servers from Colorado to Florida. I am currently out of town and will do my best to answer support tickets while away until next Monday. Paul is also going to take a look into your issue, please continue to be patient. As to the schedule importer issue and the PPC, we are trying to duplicate your error message. Please provide the exact schedule/trips you are using so we can try to duplicate the issue.

Thank you.
Please see my support ticket "systemformatexception" I have attached my data files on that ticket. Thanks