If there is a critical issue in which we are unable to convey a remedy to "our" satisfaction, we will gladly contact the customer. However, in your situation, there is nothing a phone call will add to the remedy. The additional folders, as mentioned in prior correspondence, is a result of various partnerships in ActiveSync (each has a unique 8 digit ID). This is not normal and may be related to your problem, i.e. for some reason a partnership was deleted and recreated and ActiveSync made a change. I don't know how long your history is with Pocket PC and ActiveSync and APDL, however, if it's quite a bit of time, with the nature of so much change in the Pocket PC platform (not APDL) and ActiveSync versions, it would not be unusual. The Palm OS is clearly more stable, however, I think we have finally, with Windows Mobile 5, reached a much more stable platform and I'm confident in the future of the Pocket PC now. I am very much looking forward to expanding the Pocket PC line of software now that we have reached this stage, more to follow...