ATP Minimums


New member
Feb 20, 2025
What is the best way to determine the hours I have toward ATP minimums. The two in particular are the PIC night and PIC cross-country. The software has totals for PIC, night, and cross-country individually but how do we cross-reference them?
Based on that, if I filter the data using the drop-down menu to only show PIC time then any cross country or night time in the columns should also be PIC time?
So I am still not sure then how to basically query two columns to determine how much PIC cross country time I have or PIC night for example
Put PC or XC in the filter, then cross-ref the data for the value. For example if you put XC in the filter then your PIC value would be approximately the PIC + XC value. You can try it in reverse and compare the data. Again, the filter just returns all log entries that have a value logged in that filter column.