cannot get palm to sync


Jan 25, 2004
Have a Palm Tungsten C. installed it and every time i try to access it on my palm it says "Please run the hot sync again to download PC data to your PDA Companion. (No aircraft specified). Whats going on here? This is sure a lot more convaluted than your advertisements lead me to believe! ( Sorry, but after two days of trying to get this working it really annoys me!) Yes I am a registered used and bought a licence. I may have really screwed up though because just looking at the ABOUT page in LBPro, it says professional Edition/Pocket PC Companion how do I get it to say PALM?


If you licensed the Palm Companion, it will say so at startup on the first screen, mid-way down, left side. Be sure you are using Logbook Pro 1.9.5.

Let's try by backing up first. Uninstall the product from your PDA. Uninstall directions are in the help documentation and can also be viewed by clicking here.
  • Go to the Windows Add/Remove Programs area and find "AppForge Universal Conduit" and uninstall it.
  • Reboot.
  • Startup Logbook Pro and from the PDA Companions\Palm Companion menu choose the Install option.
  • Follow the prompts to complete the install.

Don't work.Tried just as the directions said

Here's the log entry fron the failed sync:

Synchronizing NCSoftware
- PDAAircraft database
Error 8014: The PC is set to overwrite the handheld, but no table named 'PDAAircraft' exists on the PC at the DSN '˜:úè:ú'.
- PDACertificates database
Error 8038: Cannot open host table 'PDACertificates' at DSN 'NCSoftware'.
- PDACustom database
Error 8014: The PC is set to overwrite the handheld, but no table named 'PDACustom' exists on the PC at the DSN '(<úx<ú'.
- PDADupTimes database
Error 8014: The PC is set to overwrite the handheld, but no table named 'PDADupTimes' exists on the PC at the DSN '=úh=ú'.
- PDAEventExpiration database
Error 8014: The PC is set to overwrite the handheld, but no table named 'PDAEventExpiration' exists on the PC at the DSN '>úX>ú'.
- PDAHistory database
Error 8038: Cannot open host table 'PDAHistory' at DSN 'NCSoftware'.
- PDALogbook database
Error 8038: Cannot open host table 'PDALogbook' at DSN 'NCSoftware'.
- PDARatings database
Error 8038: Cannot open host table 'PDARatings' at DSN 'NCSoftware'.
- PDAUserData database
Error 8014: The PC is set to overwrite the handheld, but no table named 'PDAUserData' exists on the PC at the DSN 'ÈAúBú'.
- tblPalmCurrency database
- tblPalmLookback database
- tblPalmStats database
- tblPalmSummaryBar database
Errors encountered while synchronizing NCSoftware
Conduit 'NCSoftware' Error: Unknown error. (FFFF)

I have a pc and laptop, I am trying to sync to the laptop logbook. i.e. (xxxx_clone)

Regards Ed (thanks for the fast reply)
What OS are you using?

Is it set for US English?

The DSN Name should be 'NCSoftware' and it's not showing as such, instead a bunch of strange characters. You may need to go into your Control Panel ODBC section and delete the User DSN that's supposed to be named 'NCSoftware'. Ensure you have the Windows Updates current.

Deleted nc software from ODBC, PDA. Started over installed on pdc. Log record below

OK Acrobat Reader
Synchronizing NCSoftware
- PDAAircraft database
Error 8014: The PC is set to overwrite the handheld, but no table named 'PDAAircraft' exists on the PC at the DSN '˜:‚è:‚'.
- PDACertificates database
Error 8038: Cannot open host table 'PDACertificates' at DSN 'NCSoftware'.
- PDACustom database
Error 8014: The PC is set to overwrite the handheld, but no table named 'PDACustom' exists on the PC at the DSN '(<‚x<‚'.
- PDADupTimes database
Error 8014: The PC is set to overwrite the handheld, but no table named 'PDADupTimes' exists on the PC at the DSN '=‚h=‚'.
- PDAEventExpiration database
Error 8014: The PC is set to overwrite the handheld, but no table named 'PDAEventExpiration' exists on the PC at the DSN '>‚X>‚'.
- PDAHistory database
Error 8038: Cannot open host table 'PDAHistory' at DSN 'NCSoftware'.
- PDALogbook database
Error 8038: Cannot open host table 'PDALogbook' at DSN 'NCSoftware'.
- PDARatings database
Error 8038: Cannot open host table 'PDARatings' at DSN 'NCSoftware'.
- PDAUserData database
Error 8014: The PC is set to overwrite the handheld, but no table named 'PDAUserData' exists on the PC at the DSN 'ÈA‚B‚'.
- tblPalmCurrency database
- tblPalmLookback database
- tblPalmStats database
- tblPalmSummaryBar database
Errors encountered while synchronizing NCSoftware
Conduit 'NCSoftware' Error: Unknown error. (FFFF)

I checked the data path in the ODBC entry and it points to the proper directory. Any more Ideas? I'm running out of hair to pull out

This case has been resolved. After exchange of data it was determined the PDA was trying to sync with a Professional Edition clone data file which is not possible. PDA's cannot only be sync'd with Master (non-cloned) data files.

Please review this FAQ article for more details.
