Correctly Entering Reserve in APDL

Andy Adams

Support Engineer
Staff member
Apr 23, 2008
Wilson, NC
There has been some confusion about the way APDL handles reserve assignments as seen here

The confusion comes from a reserve pilot being assigned a trip. On day 1 of the trip, APDL is using 117 Reserve as the regulation on the legality status page. Some users are expecting to see APDL treat the remaining days of that trip as 117 Unaugmented because there was no RAP on those days.

APDL is designed to handle reserve and non-reserve pilots (lineholders) completely separately. Before going any further, consider as just one example that at some airlines, monthly guarantee is a different value for a reserve pilot than a lineholder, among potentially many other contractual provisions. While APDL doesn't support multiple guarantee values quite yet, for this reason among others, APDL must treat a reserve pilot and lineholder separately.

If a pilot on reserve was to enter a trip as described above, where day 1 is 117 Reserve and the remaining days are 117 Unaugmented, this would create a conflict in APDL with things such as how much guarantee to use for that month since both reserve and unaugmented have been entered during the month. Similarly you should enter ALL legs as reserve payroll category and not alternate back and forth to "Block" as this will cause the same inconsistency.

To address the legality issue, on subsequent days of a reserve trip, APDL will display the FDP and RAP totals just like the first day. However, since there is no RAP, the RAP time is zero. The limitation for a reserve pilot is the more restrictive of the Table B limit OR the FDP plus RAP against the Table B limit plus 4 hours. Since RAP is zero, FDP plus RAP is equal to the FDP. This leaves only the FDP to be evaluated against Table B.

See the following important note in the APDL documentation at

"For accurate Legality and Payroll results, it is important that pilots on reserve set ALL legs to Short Call Reserve, Long Call Reserve, or Airport Standby Reserve as appropriate. DO NOT select Block as the payroll category while on reserve."

This note is being updated with the next release to clarify that 117 Reserve and Unaugmented apply as well as payroll category.
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There has been some confusion about the way APDL handles reserve assignments as seen here

The confusion comes from a reserve pilot being assigned a trip. On day 1 of the trip, APDL is using 117 Reserve as the regulation on the legality status page. Some users are expecting to see APDL treat the remaining days of that trip as 117 Unaugmented because there was no RAP on those days.

APDL is designed to handle reserve and non-reserve pilots (lineholders) completely separately. Before going any further, consider as just one example that at some airlines, monthly guarantee is a different value for a reserve pilot than a lineholder, among potentially many other contractual provisions. While APDL doesn't support multiple guarantee values quite yet, for this reason among others, APDL must treat a reserve pilot and lineholder separately.

If a pilot on reserve was to enter a trip as described above, where day 1 is 117 Reserve and the remaining days are 117 Unaugmented, this would create a conflict in APDL with things such as how much guarantee to use for that month since both reserve and unaugmented have been entered during the month. Similarly you should enter ALL legs as reserve payroll category and not alternate back and forth to "Block" as this will cause the same inconsistency.

To address the legality issue, on subsequent days of a reserve trip, APDL will display the FDP and RAP totals just like the first day. However, since there is no RAP, the RAP time is zero. The limitation for a reserve pilot is the more restrictive of the Table B limit OR the FDP plus RAP against the Table B limit plus 4 hours. Since RAP is zero, FDP plus RAP is equal to the FDP. This leaves only the FDP to be evaluated against Table B.

See the following important note in the APDL documentation at

"For accurate Legality and Payroll results, it is important that pilots on reserve set ALL legs to Short Call Reserve, Long Call Reserve, or Airport Standby Reserve as appropriate. DO NOT select Block as the payroll category while on reserve."

This note is being updated with the next release to clarify that 117 Reserve and Unaugmented apply as well as payroll category.

Wouldn't the whole line holder vs. RSV guarantee value depend on what the user has set for his payroll not what he has set for legality? Couldn't you go into settings-airline and add the differ guarantees there with the monthly guarantee selection already? Then have it somehow read which guarantee you are on via what payroll selection is set?

To me everything pay/credit/guarantee should be set through the payroll categories. The legality screen should conform with your actual legality even on a RSV trip when switching from RSV to un augmented.

It always just kinda gives me a "double take" when looking at the legality page and it is telling me to reference 117 Reserve when I am actually needing to reference 117 un augmented that day.

Sorry for the rant.
Your point about guarantee being a payroll setting vs. regulation setting is a valid point.

I still believe that the reserve regulations apply on subsequent days of a reserve trip when no RAP exists. Without a RAP, the reserve regulations still point you to the unaugmented Table B limits.
What about when a line holder's report time is delayed and needs to use SCR rules for determining max FDP? I still used Block as the payroll category, but entered an SCR period so it showed RAP during the period of delay. Is there anything with that?
So I guess I don't understand. I changed all of my legs to SCR, but now on the legality screen, none of that flight or FDP time shows in my cumulative limits. What am I missing?
So I guess I don't understand. I changed all of my legs to SCR, but now on the legality screen, none of that flight or FDP time shows in my cumulative limits. What am I missing?

Dont use SCR or LCR for flights. I tend to think of them more as a placeholder on a day of flying that had SCR or LCR before the actual duty. RAP gets recorded on the top when building the day. The SCR/LCR is okay to use in a leg slot before you’re actual legs, but isn’t really necessary most of the time.
as long as you have your RAP, Duty and FDP times at the top of the day page, your off to a great start. Record your flown legs as RSV if you’re a reserve pilot, and BLOCK if you’re a lineholder. ABOVE can be configured for legs that should go above guarantee.