Active member
First off all Merry Chrismas,
Second I have a small problem with entering dates.
I live in Europe and over here we enter dates dd/mm/yyyy as opposed to the U.S. who enter dates mm/dd/yyyy.
Because of this my date in the DATE colum isgood but the date in the OFF BLOCK and ON BLOCK is not.
For example 1 Feb 2003 in DATE colum becomes 2 Jan 2003 in OFF and ON BLOCK colum.
The strange thing is that when the date is higher than the 12th day in the month everything is ok again.
So 13 Mar 2003 will stay 13 Mar 2003.
I think this is or an bug or I havea wrong setting in the program.
Thank you.
Second I have a small problem with entering dates.
I live in Europe and over here we enter dates dd/mm/yyyy as opposed to the U.S. who enter dates mm/dd/yyyy.
Because of this my date in the DATE colum isgood but the date in the OFF BLOCK and ON BLOCK is not.
For example 1 Feb 2003 in DATE colum becomes 2 Jan 2003 in OFF and ON BLOCK colum.
The strange thing is that when the date is higher than the 12th day in the month everything is ok again.
So 13 Mar 2003 will stay 13 Mar 2003.
I think this is or an bug or I havea wrong setting in the program.
Thank you.