Logged Display SCHEDULED in summary.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Each day shows CREDIT and BLOCK totals. At the very bottom it also says CREDIT and BLOCK, but the total next to BLOCK appears to actually be SCHEDULED. Can we get this fixed so it actually says SCHED, instead of BLOCK? Or better yet, show all three totals: CREDIT, ACTUAL and SCHEDULED at the bottom of each day, as well as the end of the trip.

In fact, I liked the old APDL, where in the pairing view, each leg showed both scheduled and actual. Can we get this back? I would suggest putting scheduled block out and in times in a smaller blue font, underneath the actual.
Also TAFB on each day plus a trip total at the end is needed. The original APDL for palm had all the info on one screen, and when it didn't fit, you could toggle different data on a particular line. That screen was tiny compared to the iPhone, yet on the new iPhone app for some reason,i have to go all over the place to find the same info.
Also TAFB on each day plus a trip total at the end is needed. The original APDL for palm had all the info on one screen, and when it didn't fit, you could toggle different data on a particular line. That screen was tiny compared to the iPhone, yet on the new iPhone app for some reason,i have to go all over the place to find the same info.


Thanks for the suggestion regarding TAFB begin visible in the trip view, I logged that request. As far as the block total for the day goes, it should be displaying actual block flown, are you getting something different? Also, it will put a + or - next to the block total for the day to indicate over/under block. The number next to the + or - will be green (overblock) or red (underblock).
I guess I am not understanding the "block" totals. I only do 1 day trips. At the bottom of the trip view there is a daily "CREDIT" and "BLOCK". And then right below that there is trip total line that also says "CREDIT" and "BLOCK". Both "credits" are the same, but the block is different on the two "Block" fields. (Trip is closed out). The first day I used APDL all legs were over block, so Block appeared to be the same as Credit. Except on the lower, trip total, it was less, and showed SCHEDULED (even thought the caption says BLOCK).

On the second day, one leg was over and one was under. The top BLOCK showed ACTUAL, and the bottom BLOCK still showed scheduled.

Now Here is where it gets weird: On day three, all legs were under block. Credit, being based on block or better, showed the CREDIT as the SCHEDULED BLOCK (i.e. minimum pay credit), but BLOCK, which I assumed was going to be ACTUAL, as it had been on the first 2 days, was actually ALSO the same as CREDIT. So it appears that BLOCK is never less than SCHEDULED, sometimes more, if you go over, but BLOCK only equals ACTUAL if ACTUAL IS EQUAL OR GREATER THAN SCHEDULED. So on day three, there is no where on the trip view page that displayed the actual flight time. I had to go to the legality page to find the actual flight time for the day.

I understand why it may be useful to have a column for CREDIT and also a column for BLOCK, where BLOCK always equals BLOCK or BETTER, in the case of a rig or guarantee, Credit would be adjusted based on BLOCK, but in that case we can't see ACTUAL anywhere on the trip page. So in reality, on the upper line, BLOCK is really "PAY BLOCK" (i.e. the value that pay adjustments are made based on). That is not the commonly understood definition of block. Block should be Actual OUT-IN.

Again, I'd like to see better use of the phone/ipad screen real estate. All the info should be on trip view. Like in the original APDL, each leg should have the scheduled below the actual times and totals (it could be made in a smaller font of a different color, i.e. blue). And on the totals line, CREDIT, ACTUAL, and ORIGINAL SCHEDULED totals should be displayed, in addition to TAFB. The original app even had info for approaches, nite, imc, crew names, etc. I'm not sure why we can't get the FO's name to display in the leg view. It just says FO. Also, can there be an option not to display hotel info for one day trips, or even to put a link to the hotel info, since it takes up a lot of screen space, and you only need it once a day when it's time to call the hotel. On the leg view, I'd like to see Actual ABOVE scheduled, since the ACTUAL is the one we need to change, and we should not have to scroll all the way down. Better yet, the leg view should just go away, and everything should be enterable by touching the fields on the trip view, as it was on the original APDL.
I think,what you are looking at is Credit/Block or the day and then the bottoms one is Credit /Block for trip.
I guess I am not understanding the "block" totals. I only do 1 day trips. At the bottom of the trip view there is a daily "CREDIT" and "BLOCK". And then right below that there is trip total line that also says "CREDIT" and "BLOCK". Both "credits" are the same, but the block is different on the two "Block" fields. (Trip is closed out). The first day I used APDL all legs were over block, so Block appeared to be the same as Credit. Except on the lower, trip total, it was less, and showed SCHEDULED (even thought the caption says BLOCK).

On the second day, one leg was over and one was under. The top BLOCK showed ACTUAL, and the bottom BLOCK still showed scheduled.

Now Here is where it gets weird: On day three, all legs were under block. Credit, being based on block or better, showed the CREDIT as the SCHEDULED BLOCK (i.e. minimum pay credit), but BLOCK, which I assumed was going to be ACTUAL, as it had been on the first 2 days, was actually ALSO the same as CREDIT. So it appears that BLOCK is never less than SCHEDULED, sometimes more, if you go over, but BLOCK only equals ACTUAL if ACTUAL IS EQUAL OR GREATER THAN SCHEDULED. So on day three, there is no where on the trip view page that displayed the actual flight time. I had to go to the legality page to find the actual flight time for the day.

I understand why it may be useful to have a column for CREDIT and also a column for BLOCK, where BLOCK always equals BLOCK or BETTER, in the case of a rig or guarantee, Credit would be adjusted based on BLOCK, but in that case we can't see ACTUAL anywhere on the trip page. So in reality, on the upper line, BLOCK is really "PAY BLOCK" (i.e. the value that pay adjustments are made based on). That is not the commonly understood definition of block. Block should be Actual OUT-IN.

Again, I'd like to see better use of the phone/ipad screen real estate. All the info should be on trip view. Like in the original APDL, each leg should have the scheduled below the actual times and totals (it could be made in a smaller font of a different color, i.e. blue). And on the totals line, CREDIT, ACTUAL, and ORIGINAL SCHEDULED totals should be displayed, in addition to TAFB. The original app even had info for approaches, nite, imc, crew names, etc. I'm not sure why we can't get the FO's name to display in the leg view. It just says FO. Also, can there be an option not to display hotel info for one day trips, or even to put a link to the hotel info, since it takes up a lot of screen space, and you only need it once a day when it's time to call the hotel. On the leg view, I'd like to see Actual ABOVE scheduled, since the ACTUAL is the one we need to change, and we should not have to scroll all the way down. Better yet, the leg view should just go away, and everything should be enterable by touching the fields on the trip view, as it was on the original APDL.

I think I know what you are trying to say. Do you have rigs and mon day stuff setup for your payroll stuff?

I know in a previous version we tested the CREDIT/BLOCK stuff was kinda messed up. We were jut getting the payroll stuff going when NEIL and CO sent the APP for review by Apple. In our current test version that is fixed. So the APP store update 7.0.6 that will be approved by Apple soon it should be fixed.

APDL Beta Tester
Why are the block totals different between the day total and the trip total for a 1 day trip? The Block total is not always block. Sometimes it is scheduled, sometimes it is actual, depending on whether you go over or under block. I don't have rigs or min day set up. This appears to be a big bug.
Ok. Something is messed up here. Here are the screenshots:

First example. Both legs under block. BLOCK = SCHEDULED. Both totals the same. There is no total of ACTUAL displayed. Total BLOCK should be 7:11.


Second example. One leg over/one leg under. DAY BLOCK = ACTUAL. TRIP BLOCK = SCHEDULED.




Why are the two totals both called BLOCK, when they are not the same calculation? The trip total is clearly SCHEDULED. Why not eliminate confusion and show scheduled and actual for every leg, and then show credit, actual, and scheduled for daily and trip totals. The original APDL for PALM did this PERFECTLY! Why did you have to mess it up?
Last edited:
Check the times again after updating to APDL 7.0.6.