Editing the date of a trip once imported


New member
Mar 2, 2015
So the importer is importing wrong and support can't fix it. I always ask too many questions. Since the importer is off by so many hours that it has put 2 duty periods in one day, I need to edit the date. But the date cannot be edited.

How can one edit the date of a trip?

Thank you.
You can't edit the date of a trip once it is in APDL.

If the importer isn't importing it correctly, the first step is to try to edit the processed data in the importer portal before importing it to APDL. If it's a time offset issue, make sure you select local, Zulu, or custom time zone to match your company trip data when importing.

If that doesn't work, you'll have to manually enter the trip.
I'll have to try editing it in the importer. Unfortunately, if I have to manually enter in trip data, the app isn't worth it. Thanks for the fast reply.
Both of the issues mentioned above are limitations "as of right now". We are aware of them and are trying to improve things such as those as we see them pop up. APDL on iOS is a brand new app and it will take some time for us to get all the bugs worked out.
I'll have to try editing it in the importer. Unfortunately, if I have to manually enter in trip data, the app isn't worth it. Thanks for the fast reply.
Which airline?

From where do you copy your trip data?

Andy was referring to modifying the date within the importer after the data has been processed. Just expand the offending day to access the dates/times to be edited.
When you import a trip it is best to leave it in auto and then make sure that you have it set to local or UTC depending on what you copied.

Also, if you are copying from crew trac, don't copy from the schedule detail.