LBP App (iPhone) creates multiple calendar entries


Well-known member
APDL Beta Team
Feb 8, 2002
iPhone 4S/iOS 6.1
LBP App 4.1.1
Calendar Integration set to ON; no reminders

I am able to successfully import and download my flight schedule to my iPhone.
All of the data is accurate thru the web portal before downloading.
As I conduct my flights, I update the OOOI times, flight times, conditions, landings and crewmembers. These updates are usually conducted while the device is in airplane mode. At the end of the day, I sync my completed flights.

Usually at the end of a trip, or earlier if I check my personal calendar, I'll notice that the app will create a new event in my calendar for every time that I edit the flight. Most of the time I end up with two events (original download + airplane mode edit).
I think the trend is editing the main data of the flight (date, A/C, OOOI(?), Duration, Landings) will generate a new calendar entry, but I haven't done a lot of testing; just observing my data for months.

This is not a big thing, more of an annoyance with having to clean-up my Google Calendar.

Thank for any advice.
Hi Angel,

Thank you for your inquiry. When saving or editing an entry the old appointment should be removed and a new one created. We have completely redone the calendar integration for the upcoming update and in that process did notice that there is a problem with Google calendar integration which should be transparent to the app (handled by iOS) but something isn't working so we are looking into it and will have it resolved in the next update.