Logbook.CDB Importing


New member
Oct 28, 2003
I have a Dell Axim with PocketPC Ver 4.20.1081 (Build 13100). Active Sync Ver 3.7 (Build 3083). I
downloaded and installed AppForge Booster 3.5.0 (0633). I followed the installation instruction and
cannot access my data. When I tap on the program it starts, shows the startup screen and closes.
I have 2 files on tha Axim: logbook.cdb and lbpro.cdb. I noticed during the installation that I do not
have the same tabler screenas the help file displays (See Below),my table checkboxes
started with tbl****** (ex: tblAircraft), not PDAAircraft. I attached table conversion log below.

\Program Files\Logbook Pro\Logbook.CDB


Figure 4. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--><!--kadov_tag{{}}-->Set Database Path, Select Tables for Importing

Monday, October 27, 2003 7:10:00 PM, User: Craig Bennett, synchronization started.
Database: NCSoftware
option: 1 - Overwrite existing tables
option: 1 - Keep this database synchronized
Monday, October 27, 2003 7:11:05 PM, Database transfer begun.

Copying table tblAircraft
Column 's_GUID' is a data type that is not supported. This column will not be copied to device.
Processing indexes:
Index processing has been stopped. There are no more indexes available.
One or more indexes could not be created.
Computing checksums for table tblAircraft.
SQL: SELECT `AircraftID`,`Aircraft`,`Category`,`Class`,`RatingCategory`,`CharacteristicsPower`,`CharacteristicsType`,`RatingClass`,`TypeRatingReq`,`Description`,`Complex`,`HighPerformance`,`Over12500`,`Retractable`,`Simulator`,`Tailwheel`,`CostPerHour`,`TimeEntered`,`Correction` FROM `tblAircraft`
Copying of 43 record(s) completed.

Copying table tblCertificates
Column 's_GUID' is a data type that is not supported. This column will not be copied to device.
Processing indexes:
Indexes over column 's_GUID' are not supported on the device and will not be created.
Index processing has been stopped. There are no more indexes available.
2 index(es) were successfully created.
Computing checksums for table tblCertificates.
SQL: SELECT `CertificateID`,`Grade`,`Number`,`DateIssue`,`Remarks` FROM `tblCertificates`
Copying of 5 record(s) completed.

Copying table tblCurrAssignments
Column 's_GUID' is a data type that is not supported. This column will not be copied to device.
Processing indexes:
Indexes over column 's_GUID' are not supported on the device and will not be created.
Index processing has been stopped. There are no more indexes available.
3 index(es) were successfully created.
Computing checksums for table tblCurrAssignments.
SQL: SELECT `AssignmentID`,`Assignment`,`ItemI
Please uninstall the application from the PDA and reinstall it. Follow the installation directions carefully! You should have only selected 9 (nine) tables to be sync'd and not all of them. Let me know if this doesn't resolve your issue.

I did the uninstall / reinstall twice and still do not have the PDAtable checkboxes when

importing the database. I only have checkboxes for what's on the log below. First checkbox is

TBLAircraft. I do have four checkboxes for palm. As I said before, I followed the installation instructions to

the letter. Does it matter if LBP is open on the desktop? I tried it both open and closed.
Confirm you are using Logbook Pro 1.9.4? This contains the PDA Companions version 1.3. It doesn't matter if Logbook Pro is open or not, but if I had a choice, I'd say close it. The only tables to check when configuring ActiveSync's Import Database feature are the NINE tables as specified. I'd also make sure you are using ActiveSync 3.7.1, the latest one available from Microsoft.
