Dear Neal,
by having people have minutes converted (ie. import OR OUT/IN) it will still round the actual number. It does not log every minute. I agree that over the long run it doesn't matter on how you log.
If wanting to log every single minute, you will have to enter more then one decimal. LBP will work with the exact number you input. If you already have the data in a excel sheet, make a conversion of your total time to be displayed in a decimal number. (you might have to multiply it by 24!!) This will make a 1:05 flight into 1.0833333
You know I have been dealing with this issue for some time now, but it works great (just a bit more typing). Can't wait for beta testing 1.9.6
Keep up the good work
Attitude is Everything!
But Remember, Attitudes are Contagious!
Is Yours worth Catching????