I know what you are saying, that if you set up a report to spit out everything where Cross Country > 0 and Night > 0 you get your Night Cross Country time. This is not the case, however, if, for example, you start a XC flight in day, fly into night, and then land. Only part of your Cross Country would be Night. This is important for Canadian pilots, as the application for ATPL requires a certain amount of NXC and this current system could end up showing you having more than you actually have. This problem could really bit you on the backside! As such, perhaps a feature that would allow breakdown such as been suggested, witha default column for bothDay Cross Country and Night Cross Country. Ideally I would also like to see you include the ability to further customize the current defualt columns, such that Day Dual, Day PIC, Night Dual, Night PIC, etc, are offered, or at least available to be customized by those of us from Canada and Europe. I'd also like to be able to get rid of some of the default columns that are of no use to me, such as Solo, since in Canada it's either Dual, PIC, or Co-Pilot. Actually, I'd like to be able to follow my current paper logbook format, which is ideally set up for Canadians and Europeans, which includes the breakdown as follows:
Single-EngineMulti-Engine Cross-Country Take-Offs & Landings
Day Night DayNight Day Night Day Night
Dual PIC Dual PIC Dual PIC Co-Pilot Dual PIC Co-Pilot
R. Craig Westcott
Calgary, AB Canada