not all flights import????


Jul 15, 2006

When I sync with APDL, not all flights import.... I have to go back and carefully review the information and sure enough every week I find gaps in my imports. The data is complete and saved in apdl, but will not always import to lbp. Could it have something to do with pay catagories? I have renamed "block" to e145 and noticed it wouldn't import anything labeled "block" anymore... Then I renaimed it back to "block" because that's how the default sequences were imported to apdl and I got tired of changing them.... (apdl problem) Also, no matter what I do, I can not get the schedule importer to import my duty on-duty off times.... man this thing has a steep learning

I apologize for the delay in responding, we got hit hard by Tropical Storm Ernesto and lost power for two days!

As to your question, my first suggestion is to make sure everything is up to date, we released a new build of the schedule importer which is now 6.1.5. You can compare versions here. Make sure you are setting the PDA Wizard correctly. You should typically leave the Date Filter to "New Flights" unless you are having to go back and resync prior data. Logbook Pro knows the last APDL flight that came in, it will then use the day after this date and all subsequent dates from APDL. We've had no other reports of sync issues from APDL to Logbook Pro, all has been rock solid with the latest releases.

We'll gladly investigate further. If you need further assistance, please submit a support ticket including your PDASyncLog.txt which is created at the end of the PDA Wizard run, or manually created by clicking the button to save the log file as desired.
I had the same thing happen to me. All my flight from 8/18 til yesterday that were in APDL, when I went into logbook pro, pda sync, and sync, they didn't sync over, and they are no longer on my ppc so now I have to manually enter them by hand in logbook pro. odd
I had the same thing happen to me. All my flight from 8/18 til yesterday that were in APDL, when I went into logbook pro, pda sync, and sync, they didn't sync over, and they are no longer on my ppc so now I have to manually enter them by hand in logbook pro. odd

We have no logic whatsoever to delete data from your PPC in APDL. Also, make sure you are using the latest version which is 6.0.5. I suggest tapping the "S" to force a save when done entering data on the Pocket PC in APDL as Pocket PC's do not automatically save unless you close APDL via the Options...Exit or tapping "S" to save. Palm devices are different as they are not like Windows OS's.
Haven't been pressing S. Just thought it automatically saved the pages. Thanks for the heads up.
We do try to save for you but the way Pocket PC's work to conserve memory, it can cause your window/application to remain open and a save never called. We are working on an update to try to improve this as well, but the easiest thing is to just click Options...Exit prior to syncing to Logbook Pro. I cannot emphasize enough, keep the software updated to the latest versions available.
I am having the same problem. But some of my months download some don't. I have the latest version of the software. Since Jan 06 the following months have not sync. Mar, May, Jun, and AUg.
I am having the same problem. But some of my months download some don't. I have the latest version of the software. Since Jan 06 the following months have not sync. Mar, May, Jun, and AUg.
Make sure you have the latest version installed. Go back to the month in which you are having a problem and make a change to any log page to "dirty" the record again. After you've flagged these months as having changes, sync to Logbook Pro again and see if the data imports. Backup your Logbook Pro data file first (File..Archive..Backup).
same problem

I dont know how this was resolved but I am interested, I am having the same problem.

I have APDL records going back to end of June. When I import into LBP, a lot of records are not importing. I flew 4 4-day trips in november, only 3 days of the last one imported. NO records from december imported. I tried to 'dirty' up the data and try it again, no avail. I can't see anything in terms of how I have logged the data.

here is my log file for when I try to import December 2006 only:

** Logbook Pro Sync Started 1/13/2007 10:20:03 AM **
Logbook Pro 1.10.26 Registered to Dean Roczen
APDL Sync Engine: 1.4
APDL Device Registered to: dean roczen
Palm HotSync Username: deanroczen
Palm Store: C:\Program Files\Palm\deanro
AutoFill Enabled
Default A/C Type: EM7
Sync Crew --> Do Not Sync
Sync Hotel --> Do Not Sync
Sync Trip # --> Do Not Sync
Sync Flight # --> Do Not Sync
Date Filter: Flights On or After...
Date Used: 12/1/2006
Report Name: Dean E. Roczen
Reports to Generate: Monthly Flying (HTML) Detailed Report (HTML)
Data Purge: DELETE * FROM tblLog WHERE tblLog.LogDate >= #12/1/2006# AND tblLog.RouteTo='APDL'
UTF Check on AirlineLog-200501.PDB-Skip it!
UTF Check on AirlineLog-200605.PDB-Skip it!
UTF Check on AirlineLog-200606.PDB-Skip it!
UTF Check on AirlineLog-200607.PDB-Skip it!
UTF Check on AirlineLog-200608.PDB-Skip it!
UTF Check on AirlineLog-200609.PDB-Skip it!
UTF Check on AirlineLog-200610.PDB-Skip it!
UTF Check on AirlineLog-200611.PDB-Skip it!
UTF Check on AirlineLog-200611.PDB-Skip it!
"To view your APDL Reports, click Reports...APDL Reports"
** Logbook Pro Sync Ended 1/13/2007 10:20:04 AM **
Log Closed - Sync Duration: 1 seconds.
Log File Auto-Saved to: C:\Program Files\Logbook Pro\PDASyncLog.txt
Hello Dean,

The Sync Log you provided is not looking prior to December 1st (12/1/2006). If you wish to sync in data as of last June, you'll need to manually set the Date Filter to an "On or After" setting with the corresponding date set.

Re-read my initial post. The log I included is for when I try, as an example, to import DECEMBER 2006 only. I chose that because December presents the worst case with this problem, where ZERO logpages import.

Any suggestions?

Thanks for quick reply.

First ensure HotSync is configured correctly per this KB article. If that doesn't change anything, try the procedure below:

1) Open Windows Explorer on your PC
2) Go to C:\Program Files\palmOne\{Your Palm Username}\Backup
3) MOVE (do not delete) all files to a temporary location such as C:\Temp\Palm Files
4) HotSync
5) Re-run the PDA Wizard and see if your data will now sync in

You must be using APDL 6.0.4 on your Palm OS device verified in the Options...About and Logbook Pro 1.10.26.
thanks.. i will try all this in the AM. appreciate the quick reply. I AM using the newest versions luckily :)

as per the KB article:

"2) Click (Custom). Under the conduit list make sure the "System" conduit
says "Handheld overwrites Desktop". If it does not, double click on it to change"

I do not have a "System Conduit" ???? Now I am really confused !!!
i seem to have it working now. Not sure what I did, but one thing I DID do was re-run the hotsynch. Strange.
as per the KB article:

"2) Click (Custom). Under the conduit list make sure the "System" conduit
says "Handheld overwrites Desktop". If it does not, double click on it to change"

I do not have a "System Conduit" ???? Now I am really confused !!!

It may be named "Backup" now. Glad you got it working.
Same issue.

I have the latest 6.0.4 apdl version installed on my Treo (palm), and I don't get the latest flights synched. LBP has 02/08/07 as the last flight, but, my APDL has a more recent flight on there which is not synching. I have tried to change the settings on the PDA wizard, to go from different days, but, that makes no difference.

This happened in the past, and then cleared up when I flew some more. It was nevere "spotted" through the history, it just seems to not like to update the "latest" data.

Also, one other item to note, under my HOTSYNC Icon, when I go to "custom", it does not have a "system" conduit. I dunno if that has anything to do with it or not.

In some configurations the "System" item in the conduit has been renamed to "Backup".

If the KB article doesn't help you with your situation, try the following:

Open Windows Explorer on your PC and create a folder such as C:\Temp\MyPalmFiles. Then go to C:\Program Files\palmOne\{Your Palm Username}\Backup and MOVE (not delete) all files out of this folder and into your C:\Temp\MyPalmFiles folder. HotSync again then re-run the PDA Wizard.