Hello Dave,
You cannot create a "report" that is filtered by data other than DATE. However, you can use the Analyzer and the various filtering abilities it provides either via the Master filter (which I suggest you choose your custom column) or various other filters across the top row which are fixed items such as aircraft specifics. The Analyzer is used to capture "data" in various filtered forms of which you can print as well, but it's not a report in the essence of something you would have in the format of your logbook. Again, check into the Analyzer.
Another alternative, and there are many ways to do things in Logbook Pro with its flexibility, click the column header of your custom column in the Spreadsheet style area. This will force a sort on your custom column. Now select just those rows in which you are interested in (in the Spreadsheet log area I'm talking about). You can click the first row header (far left element, left of the Date column) then SHIFT+CLICK the last row which allows you to select a "RANGE" of rows. You can now click the export button on the menu and export to Excel, text, CSV, etc. Only the selected rows will be exported. You can then use the powerful features of Excel to further analyze your data.