Feedback Sync to Calendar Issues


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2004

I imported my March schedule yesterday. I waited all day and nothing showed on my normal iOS calendar at all, despite all the settings being the same from last month (last month worked fine). This morning I went into the calendar settings in APDL and changed the calendar I was syncing with to a second calendar. Within seconds, APDL synced all the flights with the second calendar across all my devices. I waited for a couple of minutes then changed the calendar back to my normal calendar. Again, within seconds, APDL re-synced about half the month to my normal calendar. Then it stopped deleting stuff off my second calendar and just added entries to my normal calendar, resulting in duplicate entries which I had to go and delete manually from my second calendar. Just an FYI since there seems to be some inconsistency with calendar syncing.
