Sync wizard locks up


Nov 27, 2001
I feel as though I have written in on this issue before, but wanted to again now that I am using 214. Basically the software stops responding when I am trying to import an .lbx file (a clone i created) to another machine, leaving me without this neat function. The sync wizard runs fine until I reach the actual import phase; this is where the error occurs. Let me know what additional info you need. Thank you.
Is the .LBX file you are trying to import one that was created using build 214? If not, it's no good anyways, clone files are 'severed' upon upgrade of the software.

Most likely the .LBX file is corrupt. What is the file size?

Try to create a new clone, export it to a .LBX then immediately import it. If it imports, the software is functioning normally.

Let me know.

Neal Culiner
NC Software, Inc.
The lbx file was created using 214, and was imported onto a portable computer also running 214. The file size is 6648 KB. Thanks again.
The LBX is 6648KB? Or is this the .LBK by accident? If it's the .LBX then something is wrong! Do this instead. Just create the clone, then create a backup of the clone (which is all the LBX is supposed to be, just a compressed backup). Then transfer the .BAK (backup of your clone) to the other computer and restore it. It's the same end result. I'll take a look into the .LBX issue. Please confirm the file size is 6.6 megs!

Neal Culiner
NC Software, Inc.
I apologize - I looked at an lbk file. The lbx file is 427k. I will let you know when I perform the alternate procedure, I tried several times with 'fresh' lbx files and the end result was always the same.
E-mail the .LBX file to please. Secondly, after e-mailing it, change the .lbx to .bak and try to restore it from File..Archive..Restore and see if it brings it in that way.

Neal Culiner
NC Software, Inc.
I just emailed my lbx file to you so you should have it shortly. I also changed the file extension from .lbx to .bak and restored it normally per your instructions.
Thanks, I'll take a look. If you were able to change it to a .BAK and restore it, this tells me the export process worked, the file is not corrupt, it's a problem with the importing. This helps a lot, there is a lot of code, this really helps me pin this down!


Neal Culiner
NC Software, Inc.
snpower said:
I feel as though I have written in on this issue before, but wanted to again now that I am using 214. Basically the software stops responding when I am trying to import an .lbx file (a clone i created) to another machine, leaving me without this neat function. The sync wizard runs fine until I reach the actual import phase; this is where the error occurs. Let me know what additional info you need. Thank you.


I am unable to reproduce this with your .LBX file. You are saying it is locking up on you. Explain exactly where it is locking up, i.e. which step. The steps are:

[[*]]Select option to Import from main navigator
[[*]]Select .LBX file for import
[[*]]Execute the Import
[[*]]Activate the Imported Fiile for use
[[*]]Finish (exit) the Sync Wizard

I am trying to pin this down. So far unsuccessful.

What is your Operating System?


Neal Culiner
NC Software, Inc.
The lockup occurs when I actually click on 'import'. Thanks again!
Oh yeah I am using XP but I beleive I had this problem before, but it had something to do with compacting the database??
It is the identical problem as there was previously with compacting the db. I changed the code just as I did with the compact routine, I think we'll be fine now. The next update will have this resolved, no date set yet.

Neal Culiner
NC Software, Inc.