Unable to Configure Active Sync


Active member
Aug 25, 2003
MS Active Sync will not set-up. I have followed the instruction exactly 5 times. I have read the previous problems and solutions with no luck.

I had the system running fine on my old laptop. I have a new laptop configured exactly as my old laptop.

Running Windows XP, Active Sync 3.7.1, Dell Axim Pocket PC.

The error message I recieve is:

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:44:19 AM, User: David A. Gerlach, synchronization started.
Database: NCSoftware
option: 1 - Overwrite existing tables
option: 1 - Keep this database synchronized
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

Any ideas for solving this problem. I have completed removed Logbook Pro from my Axim and reinstalled it twice now.


Prior to removing it from the Axim, you need to ensure Logbook Pro is not running. You can do this from the settings..memory..running programs area. After ensuring Logbook Pro is not running, uninstall it, then delete the 'Logbook Pro' folder from under \Program Files using File Manager on the PPC. Also uninstall ActiveSync first, then remove from the PDA, install ActiveSync 3.7.1, recreate a partnership, and retry.
