Would it be possible to create a way of "locking" or "protecting" the times on a leg so that it would not be affected by auto OOOI? Most of the time it works great, and i'd like to keep it on, but occasionally it messes me up, like with a return to gate or a diversion where you have 2 legs with the same flight number. I had to change one of the flight numbers to a fake in order to prevent this. Or how about an option to force the autofill for a leg or day, since it seems unpredictable as to when it does the autofill operation. Right now the only option is global on or off. Will autofill look up times for trips that ended a long time ago, or does it only look up times for th he current trip?. If I had to make a correction to something that happened 2 weeks ago, Will autofill change that?