Adding Data Into Jepp Custon Template


Sep 19, 2005
Hello Sir,
I recently created a jeppesen custom template that includes turbine time in hopes that I can get this data to print out in the jeppesen format. I allready added the data into a custom time field and it is included in the database with the aircraft type, but I cannot get the data into my custom template for printing purposes.
Any suggestions...
Im also trying to do the same. I also added a place for FAA 121, 125 & 135 time. It shows in the spreadsheet but not in the Jepp custom templates. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Im sure Ryan echoes my sentiments!

When creating a custom template, select the column (left-click) then on the far left "Data Field" click in the box to bring up the drop down then choose the data field for this column of you report. You should also be able to right-click on the column, once selected, then choose the data field. Click SAVE then run the report.
Okay, I did get it to work...I think? For example, if i want a Multi Turbine column is that classified as a custom text or custom time field? I have added a custom time field for my 121 times and need to add 125 & 135 as well. However, there doesnt seem to be a place to add them. I removed solo time and replaced with 121. Am I missing an option where we can add an extra field or two or three?
syxpilot said:
Okay, I did get it to work...I think? For example, if i want a Multi Turbine column is that classified as a custom text or custom time field? I have added a custom time field for my 121 times and need to add 125 & 135 as well. However, there doesnt seem to be a place to add them. I removed solo time and replaced with 121. Am I missing an option where we can add an extra field or two or three?

You cannot add/remove/resize columns, you can only change the content of columns and various formatting changes.
alright.... now do the 121,125 &135 times need to be in a custom time field and the Turbine Time in a custom text field? Am I missing something here? Thanks for the timely response.

The type of custom fields you wish to create depends on the type of data you wish to log. If it's a flight time item, then custom time. You will also get summaries on custom time fields. Custom text will do nothing other than store and display data. Although it will hold your "time" data, it will not provide summary analysis of it for you.
For the life of me, I ccan not get anything to save in the custom "multi engine turbine or turboprop fields" what am doing wrog?
syxpilot said:
For the life of me, I ccan not get anything to save in the custom "multi engine turbine or turboprop fields" what am doing wrog?
Are you asking about saving data in the log area or showing data in a custom report template? This thread is regarding custom reports so I may be confusing your question.
showing in a custom template. I actually got it to display by making a multiengine turboprop and turbojet rather than just a multiengine turbine column. I also got the 121 & 135 times to display by editing a couple of other columns, alas I need one more for my 125 column and not sure what to do.