APDL to Logbookpro sync problems!!


New member
Mar 26, 2008
I can't seem to sync the APDL to Logbookpro on my computer. I've tried everything under the star to find a solution. I've read all the posts and done every advise given but with no luck! here is my report of the last unsuccessful sync:

** Logbook Pro Sync Started 3/26/2008 12:53:05 PM **
Logbook Pro 1.10.26 Registered to david ospino jr
APDL Sync Engine: 1.4
APDL Device Registered to: david ospino jr
Palm HotSync Username: palm99
Palm Store: C:\Program Files\Palm\palm99
AutoFill Enabled
Default A/C Type: ERJ-145
Sync Crew --> Append in Remarks Column
Sync Hotel --> Append in Remarks Column
Sync Trip # --> Append in Remarks Column
Sync Flight # --> Append in Remarks Column
Date Filter: Flights On or After...
Date Used: 3/31/2008
Report Name: David Jose Ospino Jr.
Reports to Generate: Monthly Flying (HTML) Detailed Report (HTML) Monthly Report (CSV) Detailed Report (CSV) Printable Calendar (HTML) Expense Report (HTML)
Data Purge: DELETE * FROM tblLog WHERE tblLog.LogDate >= #3/31/2008# AND tblLog.RouteTo='APDL'
UTF Check on AirlineLog-200803.PDB-Use it!
Date check of 03/31/08 SDF convert 3/31/2008-Skip it!
UTF Check on AirlineLog-200804.PDB-Skip it!
UTF Check on AirlineLog-200805.PDB-Skip it!
UTF Check on AirlineLog-200805.PDB-Skip it!
"To view your APDL Reports, click Reports...APDL Reports"
** Logbook Pro Sync Ended 3/26/2008 12:53:06 PM **
Log Closed - Sync Duration: 1 seconds.
Log File Auto-Saved to: C:\Program Files\Logbook Pro\PDASyncLog.txt

Can someone please help! thanks