I have the latest version of LBP, When I try to install it to my Dell Axim X50v it seems to install OK except for the fact that the wizard gives an error message on step 2, setting up active sync. It says that there was an error and to uninstall the program and start over. I have not purchased a license as I have had LBP for several years and it has never succesfully installed on my pocket PC's. It works on my Kyocera 7135 phone but never on the Dell. I read an earlier message about uninstalling and then going into the program files and deleting certain things. I did that and tried again, no luck. Before this version of LBP I would follow the instructions and what always failed was setting up the Pocket Access. I would type in the destination and I would copy and paste. Didn't matter. Always the end result was the error message that there was no such database or words to that effect. It is very disappointing, I have had a PPC for several years now and never have a hard time installing software, except for this one. I keep seeing the admonishment to 'follow the instructions exactly.' This to me is a red flag. I should only have to click 'OK' or 'install' as I follow along the instructions. If I have to be told to be careful that's just bad software. I really like the PC and Palm versions, the PPC version leaves a lot to be desired.